
Welcome to my photo journal.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving in AJ

We are almost settled in for the winter at Saguaro RV Resort in Apache Junction. It's not a resort, it's a older park, small but clean most are year round residents, at this time there are only two of us snow birds. It has a little club house a clean little laundry, no cable or internet so I have to use Ken's dongle.
The plane crash you might have heard about on the news we could see the ball of fire from our RV and the scar it left on the mountain, a very sad accident.
We had a very nice dinner with my mother and her friends at a local restaurant, it'll be nice to spend some time this winter with her. She is doing well.
We have bought a Maricopa parks pass so we'll be doing some birding in the parks and at Gilbert Water Ranch and other spots as we learn about them. It is the one best places to find birds and photograph them. So far we have 55 species on our AZ list, one an Eastern Phoebe it is not a bird usually found here it must have gotten lost as it is a bird we have back home.
I won't be posting as often now but I would like to hear from you if you enjoy my blog.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday!


Kay Baughman said...

Hi, you two! We miss you here in Texas but I'm sure it's nice to be near your mom. Hope you get back our way soon.

Kay Baughman said...

I forgot to tell you how crazy the birding is here this winter. This week we have had an Anna's Hummingbird, Sage Thrasher, Common Grackles, American Robins, lots of White-crowned sparrows--all highly unusual for the yard! You must be seeing nice desert birds.