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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Our garden and it's visitors

Last night Ken found a monarch egg and two little tiny caterpillars, this morning after the rain he couldn't find the caterpillars. We have seen the monarch but it doesn't lite so we can get a photograph, we have also seen floating though are giant swallowtails, zebra swallowtails and fritallaries (I may have a photo of it). Swallowtail on milkweed

MO primrose

Day lily

Lightening bug on lavendar

Bee balm

Black swallowtail on milkweed

Butterfly weed also a milkweed
Perhaps if we could penetrate nature's secrets, we should find that what we call weeds are more essential to well being of the world than the most precious fruit or grain. N. Hawthorne

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