
Welcome to my photo journal.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Around our patch

We had a little rain today, the morning was really nice and fresh after the brief shower.
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It's been rather quiet around our patch, there are fewer birds visiting our feeders so I took down the jelly feeder. We have been seeing a few more butterflies at our zinnias and still spotting several swallowtail cats on the dill and fennel. We had a White-lined Sphinx hide for a day in our lavender and we watched a Golden Orbe spider molt in our garden (we didn't know they did that). And we enjoyed the rain...
How beautiful is the rain!
After the dust and the heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane.
How beautiful is the rain!

1 comment:

Cherylsue said...

I like the looks of the blog. Very nice and interesting too.