
Welcome to my photo journal.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Back in MO

Indigo Bunting and House Finch under our feeder
 Just a couple of photos of the birds around us.
I had to get a new computer to use our new wireless devise so I'm setting it up and seeing how it works.
Summer Tanager taken at Watkins Mill
We have been out birding looking for spring migrants the pretty little warblers, we have seen a few but I fear they have caught a good wind and continued north to their breeding homes.
We have had some nice birds at our feeders, a couple of new ones for us too like the above Indigo Bunting and a few Pine Siskins I believe they have left for their northern home now.
I may not post as often this summer unless we have some really interesting stuff to share.
Get out and enjoy the birds.

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