Isn't this a pretty visitor to our butterfly bush!! A Zebra Swallowtail. Ken has found several blackswallowtail caterpillars on our dill, fennel and parsley, good that's why we planted them.

My mom sent this partially pieced quilt, sown by my grandmother, to me to play with. I went online to see how they were quilted and finished, found the grandmothers flower garden pattern which is close but didn't find this pattern. I was thinking of making it into two wall hangings or I could finish out the end and make a table runner, it's a good size for that. Hmmm, what to do? Any ideas out there?

There was a garage sale in the neighborhood today and I like to visit them when I go for my walks. This is what I got for $3. The frames I'm thinking of collageing over and putting Ken's grandkids' photos in them. The book the Bad Girl's Guide to the Open Road sounded like a fun read. I'm always picking up books at garage sales.

We saw the movie Momma Mia today, what a fun movie. I have seen the play and it is just as fun. Ken enjoyed it too. We'll be humming Abba tunes for a while now. Well, another good movie is on PBS, Lust for Life, I love the oldies so I'm off to enjoy the show.
Night is young and the music's high
With a bit of rock music
Everything is fine
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