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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Busy Week

We enjoyed our trip to the Aloe King farm on Tues. it started out with a chicken lunch and some musical entertainment then the trip around the farm. The farm was purchased by the Sigrist family in 1975 when Audrey became interested in the aloe properties of healing her dry skin, the Sigrest's moved to Texas in the 70's from MO. They have 100 acres, with about 4,000 plants to the acre after the aloe is 4 years old they can begin harvesting the outer leaves for four years then the plants leaves begin to get smaller. They also harvest the babies to sell to plant nurseries. They make a gels and a aloe drink at the farm as well as selling the leaves and babies.We were invited by some friends to visit Progreso, Mexico. It is considered a safe place to visit. We walked across the bridge and joined the crowd of winter visitors for the two blocks of shops, beyond the two blocks were more shops and then the dentists and they were much quieter. We had a nice lunch, enjoyed a margarita which are sold in every corner of the stores. I never thought Ken would go, he doesn't like shopping or the trouble in Mexico but he went and enjoyed himself.
Thursday evening the Harlingen Audubon had a special program given by Seth Patterson the photographer of this big table book of the valley. It was very interesting to hear his stories of how he got the photos and to learn more about the valley.

Yes, we did have time to go birding and we got a new bird for my life list a Black throated Green Warbler found at Frontera Sanctuary in Wesleco. Sorry, I didn't get a photo but Ken did.
Here are some photos of birds I did get this week.

On Thursday we had some bad news, one of our friends in the park had a stroke and passed away. Jesse Mantony from Lee Summit, MO he was 85, luckily his son lives down here to help his sweet wife take care of everything. They will hold a memorial here Tues for him.

Last night we had some entertainment, Ruthie was back she entertained us last year. She is so fun, and she sings well.
So that was our week, hope you all had a good week.

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