How's this for the first sunset of 2011!
We don't see too many sunsets like this here, as there are usually no clouds to add color.
We were able to add two birds to our life list this week, this Ross Goose found off boardwalk at SPI. We didn't know it was a goose at the time, since it is smaller than most we know, we thought it a lost domestic duck. Then as luck would have it one of my facebook friends had posted her photos of the Geese she had taken at SCWR.
The other bird is the Bronzed Cowbird that was pointed out to us on yesterday's Christmas Bird Count we helped with. I mentioned to the leaders we hadn't learned to pick out the bronzed from the brown headed, which is hard to do from a distance, they pointed out a few of the cowbirds for us so we could learn to spot them.
We spotted this Aplomado Falcon on the roadside on our way to SPI this week, a cool find.

We are looking forward to another year of good birding and RVing.
"If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else"
Yogi Berra
One of my favorite quotes.
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