Just slimming my way along into your homes!!

We got up early to meet the Backyarder's at 7 am at Watkins Mill SP to go birding. I guess
birding is good after storms that is what our leader keeps saying.

This is a Eastern Kingbird.
We saw about 40 different birds today, we never see all these birds when we're out alone.
That is why it is good to go on these bird outings with knowledgeable birders, we learn, they hear and identify and we meet new people. Today we had two leaders from Backyard Birds, 4 couples and 2 singles in the group, just the right number, too many makes it hard to hear what the leaders see.

We were reading the Sunday paper and saw the article about Excelsiors' two new cameras at a couple of stop lights. They were up two weeks and they caught 850 cars not stopping for the red light. I couldn't believe that, I knew there were cars not stopping but not that many. They only got warnings, Wed. tickets for $105 will be going out, so I better not run the lights anymore.
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