We went over to Santa Ana
NWR to watch Mark Conway and Mary band birds. It was set up so the kids could learn about birds and
migratory birds but only 6 kids were there. It was very interesting to see how they band and learn about the birds they banded.

This is Mary she had banded, weighed, measured, and checked age of this Green Kingfisher, she is going to take photos of it for her records before releasing it.

This a Yellow-breasted Chat just before being released, they caught and banded 3 Clay-colored Robins, 2 Golden fronted Woodpeckers, 1
Kissakadee, 2 Lincoln Sparrows, 1 Olive Sparrow, 3 Yellow-throat Warblers and 2 Chats.

We also went to the Hawk Watch for our last 2 hour watch. This is Joanne and Gene Wilhelm the leaders of the watch we learned a lot from them. Today we had a total of 465 birds, about 300 were
Broadwing Hawks.
Next year we will have to plan our winter better since this is peak migratory season so we can stay longer and maybe move west to catch more birds.
One more day left!
1 comment:
It sounds as if you are planning to head home. We had snow again this morning but it didn't stick. But it is really cold. Bring some good weather with you when you head back this way.......please!!
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