I've been working on my quilt and all it needs now is the binding. It went together fast using this method, it may not be traditional but I got-r-done. In fact, if I ever do another quilt I think I do it this way again it would be fun to do an abstract style reversible.
Yesterday, we were out and about birding. First checked on the owls, the tree cavity looked empty. Then to see if we could find the Yellow crowned Night Heron nest and we found it. It's hard to see anything in it but mother and chick were there. Ken took this photo. The tree is in a neighborhood and we carried Ken's tripod and camera to a driveway, I thought someone would come ask what we were doing but no one did.
Then to buy bird seed and then lunch for us at HyVee where we run into Ken's brother Don, so we visit some. Off to Kearney next to look at the Heron rookerie off of Jessie James Rd, we could see one nest with 3 babes and parent. They are so far that even Ken doesn't get a good photo. You can really hear them chatter tho! ( The first time we looked for them we saw around 10 vultures roosting.) The farmer comes by and we visit with him for awhile, he tells us that there are about 20 nests and in Feb or Mar he has a few Bald Eagles too. He invites us to come in the fall when we can get better views. Time to check how the Hawks are doing, they were all huddled down so we couldn't see if all four were still there.

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