We have a winter wonderland if you haven't lost power or major trees. We did have another branch break off our pine. We have been entertaining ourselves by watching the birds, Ken goes out to feed them several times a day. The roads were good again after our dusting of snow melted off them. So I went on my walk and took my camera, then we went out for our McRibs.
I've started another book, Educating Alice, adventures of a curious woman: by Alice Steinbach. Alice travels all over the world taking lessens on various things, so far we've taken French cooking lessens in Paris. I think this will be a fun book, we are starting Japanese cultural lessens next in Kyoto.
I have an aunt who is seriously ill now, she has been in and out of the hospital for several months now. She is 89. I am so glad I got to visit her in Oct. So the next phone call could be bad news.
Here is todays watercolor. I have gone to a smaller format 5"x7", they take only an hour to paint usually. Pomegranates, how do you eat them without the seeds squirting you.
I treated the cats to their pot of grass today, now I will have to start a fresh one.
Living in the present tense means living like a child, or as I had come to define it, living in the purity of the ticking moment. Alice Steinbach
1 comment:
Cut the ends off the pomegranate and cut it in half. Then submerge it in a bowl of cold water and take the seeds out underwater. Pouar the water out through a sieve and you will be left with the pomegranate.
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