I have posted a photo of my Brazilian friend Sonia and her husband Antonio and one of her sons. She has another son visiting Paris at the moment.
We have finally learned each others e-mail so we can communicate more easily. What a small world it has become! She is even able to read my blog. I was an exchange student to Rio and her family was my host family for 3 months.
Cheryl is my friend that has taken me with her on several trips to Europe when she was a travel agent. What good times we had.
I've started a new book; Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck, it is his account of a trip across the US he made in truck camper in 1960 with his dog Charley. There is a couple who have just made the same trip in his wheel tracks, I have read part of their blog.
There are as many worlds as there are kinds of days, and as an opal changes it's colors and its fire to match the nature of a day, so do I. John Steinbeck

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