It looked to be a nice day so we decided to go for a drive. Can you tell by the photos where we ended up? Cabelas, our first visit. It was a busy place to visit on a nice winter Sunday, but interesting.
Welcome to my photo journal.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
A walk in the woods

We had a fresh inch of snow fall early this morning, so after breakfast with friends at the golden arches, we went for a walk in the woods. It turned out to be a short walk as it was colder than we thought 25 degrees with a wind chill. We didn't feel the wind at home! But it was pretty anyway and we weren't the only people out for a walk in the woods, I think they were hardier souls tho and they did the distance.

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true. Alfred Lord Tennyson
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A little more Snow

Today we were invited out to lunch with Ken's old work buddies, that was very nice.
We both are alittle under the weather today, we have the chills. Hopefully, it's just the change in the weather again. We are to get alittle more than a dusting of snow tonight. Our street was just beginning to be safe to drive on! Maybe this little bit won't of snow won't bother them.
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardens who make our souls blossom. Marcel Proust
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Snow Again

Another weekend of bad weather, it's snowing and it looks like we could get over a couple of inches this time. It's a good day for Ken to make his annual cheesecake for his family's Christmas get together. Hopefully the roads will be OK by tomorrow afternoon.
What happy faces do we see.
Their cares forgotten everyone.
This is the way it ought to be
From dawn until the set of sun.
These blessed days of joy and peace
Be decked with wonder, set apart,
Through all our yeas will never cease,
If we keep Christmas in our heart. Grace E. Easley
Friday, December 21, 2007
Out in the crowds
We received this cute ornament in the mail today. It is a little overexposed, I decided to see if I could download a photo straight from the camera. I can but I guess it is not a good thing to do.

I thought it ironic to get this ornament as we went down to check on the progress of the repairs. They have it done and it looks good. Now we have to wait for the insurance adjustment before they let us have it. I wonder how long that will take. But anyway the repairs are done, just alittle Christmas present for us.
We hit an early movie first, we saw Sweeney Todd, it is very good and it got better as it got bloodier. Johnny Depp does a good job singing in it! Check it out if you like musicals and don't mind some gore.
On our drive home after stopping for a late lunch, we hit the traffic. I haven't seen so much traffic out on a Friday afternoon up north ever.
Let us have music for Christmas...
Sound the trumpet of joy and rebirth.
Let each of us try, with a song in out hearts
To bring peace to men on earth. Mildred Jarrell
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sunday out & about

The roads were OK this morning so we went to Perkins, hadn't been there for breakfast for several weeks. They had something new on the menu gingerbread pancakes and I like to try new things and they were delicious.
Ken wanted to see a movie so decided to see the Golden Compass, it was a bit long but as it got going it got better. I looked at the book at Borders after the movie, it's a big one and has two sequels. I usually find the books better than the movies, but I'll just think about them for awhile, I already have a long reading list.
I had thought about going to the funeral but the cold and questionable conditions and probably late start put a negative on that.
Still trying to learn how to use the laptop and scanner. I usually take the easy way and use the desktop and camera. I hate having to ask Ken how to do this and that, I even have a hard time remembering what my notes mean.
The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common. Emerson
Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas a little early
Christmas was a little early for me as Cheryl and I meet to exchange gifts. She gave me a wonderful bottle of Freixenet, a sparkling wine, my favorite. She is so sweet and thoughtful. When I got back home there was a box waiting from my brother which contained two bottles of Buffalo Blush wine from Little Swan Lake Winery in IA. I believe we are set for the holidays.
It was a nice day to get out and about. Now to see how correct the weather men are going to be on guessing how much snow we will have by Saturday evening.

Here is a photo of my grandmother and aunts. The lady hiding behind my grandmother on the right is the aunt who just passed away.
AnnaMae, Evelyn, Anna and Alice missing is Laura

Oh, heart, let's never grow to old
To smile anew, when Christmas comes,
At tassels red and tinsel thread
And tarlatan bags of sugar plums. Nancy Bryd Turner
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Sun is still there
Well, the call I was expecting came at 7:15 am. I wish I didn't live so far away from the old home place in times like this.
When you're frightened, don't sit still, keep on doing something. The act of doing will give you back your courage. Grace Ogot
When you're frightened, don't sit still, keep on doing something. The act of doing will give you back your courage. Grace Ogot

I caught our neighborhood squirrel this morning, he is the main reason we go through so much seed. We put out the corn for him but his taste is of the sunflower variety.

It's been a week since we've seen the sun, what a difference it makes too. The ice will almost be gone by the end of the day. It was fun to hear it creak and crack and boom down it would fall, or maybe it was just tinkle tinkle but we had to watch over head when we went out walking.
Tell me and I'll forget;
Show me and I may remember;
Involve me and I'll understand.
Chinese Proverb
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A Winter Wonderland

We have a winter wonderland if you haven't lost power or major trees. We did have another branch break off our pine. We have been entertaining ourselves by watching the birds, Ken goes out to feed them several times a day. The roads were good again after our dusting of snow melted off them. So I went on my walk and took my camera, then we went out for our McRibs.
I've started another book, Educating Alice, adventures of a curious woman: by Alice Steinbach. Alice travels all over the world taking lessens on various things, so far we've taken French cooking lessens in Paris. I think this will be a fun book, we are starting Japanese cultural lessens next in Kyoto.
I have an aunt who is seriously ill now, she has been in and out of the hospital for several months now. She is 89. I am so glad I got to visit her in Oct. So the next phone call could be bad news.
Here is todays watercolor. I have gone to a smaller format 5"x7", they take only an hour to paint usually. Pomegranates, how do you eat them without the seeds squirting you.
I treated the cats to their pot of grass today, now I will have to start a fresh one.
Living in the present tense means living like a child, or as I had come to define it, living in the purity of the ticking moment. Alice Steinbach
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Ice storm
Here is my daily artwork for today. Still need to work on those ovals.
The ice is pretty if only you don't have too much of it. We were lucky again, no power outage, but they were not so lucky north of us in St. Joe. So far we have had only a branch from our pine break off. The temps were warm 32 so the streets were fine. I walked around the block and we went out for lunch.
Then when the first snowflakes begin to come down,
And the wind whistles sharp and the branches are brown,
I'll not mind the cold, though my fingers it numbs,
For it brings the time nearer when Santa Claus comes.
The ice is pretty if only you don't have too much of it. We were lucky again, no power outage, but they were not so lucky north of us in St. Joe. So far we have had only a branch from our pine break off. The temps were warm 32 so the streets were fine. I walked around the block and we went out for lunch.
Then when the first snowflakes begin to come down,
And the wind whistles sharp and the branches are brown,
I'll not mind the cold, though my fingers it numbs,
For it brings the time nearer when Santa Claus comes.

Friday, December 7, 2007
Good News
The good news is the doors are in! We went down to put more antifreeze in the motorhome and found it in the shop, they were starting to work on it. So we left it as is.
We then finished shopping for Ken's grandkids. I believe he is done.
I decided I needed to practise scanning and putting it on my blog. So here is yesterdays drawing. I have a problem getting the width of cups right. Must practise more.
Even the common articles made for daily use become endowed with beauty when they are loved. Sotsee Yanage
We then finished shopping for Ken's grandkids. I believe he is done.
I decided I needed to practise scanning and putting it on my blog. So here is yesterdays drawing. I have a problem getting the width of cups right. Must practise more.
Even the common articles made for daily use become endowed with beauty when they are loved. Sotsee Yanage

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Our first Snow
We've had our first snow, it's about 2 inches and I hear we could get more tomorrow. I tried to get a cardinal at our feeder here, I forgot to photoshop it, sorry. We went for a walk this afternoon most of the 2 inches had fallen, we watched several cars and trucks try to get up our hill. They were stuck until the city truck came by and helped out with some sand under their tires. It was nice to walk with the snow falling in our faces. I hate to admit it but I rather like snow, if I don't have to drive in it.

Here are some photos of my projects. I did the watercolor yesterday, decided I should practise painting or drawing every day. This was in reference to the www.parisbreakfast blog I enjoy visiting, she does similiar watercolors and I love her photos.
I see I need more practise with ovals.

I see I need more practise with ovals.
I have also decided to finally do something with all the little bow tie blocks, my grandmother started them and I made many more they are hand sewn together.
I have made them into a nine block and I will hand quilt from there and then sew the quilted blocks together. I hope it works. I am not a quilter, I just enjoy keeping my hands busy and me away from the refrigerator.
I am still working on my knitting too.
I know I said I wouldn't be blogging as often, but I changed my mind, it just won't be everyday. I'll share my daily art ( if I do some) if you don't mind.
The arts are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practising art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Red Hat Christmas Lunch
The Red Hat group I belong to had their Christmas lunch and gift exchange today. We went to the Pink Rosebud Bed & Breakfast in Plattsburg. The house was built in1878 and is beautifully restored. The couple served us a wonderful meal. You may be able to pick me out of a couple of these photos and next to me is my bf Cheryl. We had a beautiful day the sun was shining and the temp was about 54
degrees. A few of us hit the antique stores downtown Plattsburg.
I have posted a photo of my Brazilian friend Sonia and her husband Antonio and one of her sons. She has another son visiting Paris at the moment.
We have finally learned each others e-mail so we can communicate more easily. What a small world it has become! She is even able to read my blog. I was an exchange student to Rio and her family was my host family for 3 months.
Cheryl is my friend that has taken me with her on several trips to Europe when she was a travel agent. What good times we had.
I've started a new book; Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck, it is his account of a trip across the US he made in truck camper in 1960 with his dog Charley. There is a couple who have just made the same trip in his wheel tracks, I have read part of their blog.
There are as many worlds as there are kinds of days, and as an opal changes it's colors and its fire to match the nature of a day, so do I. John Steinbeck

I have posted a photo of my Brazilian friend Sonia and her husband Antonio and one of her sons. She has another son visiting Paris at the moment.
We have finally learned each others e-mail so we can communicate more easily. What a small world it has become! She is even able to read my blog. I was an exchange student to Rio and her family was my host family for 3 months.
Cheryl is my friend that has taken me with her on several trips to Europe when she was a travel agent. What good times we had.
I've started a new book; Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck, it is his account of a trip across the US he made in truck camper in 1960 with his dog Charley. There is a couple who have just made the same trip in his wheel tracks, I have read part of their blog.
There are as many worlds as there are kinds of days, and as an opal changes it's colors and its fire to match the nature of a day, so do I. John Steinbeck

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