I am really moving on in this digital age, I now have a point and shoot digital camera. Have I overwhelmed myself with a blogspot, cell phone (I haven't used it yet) and now a digital camera; a lot to learn. Soon I'll have photos of the cats, I just have to learn to download them, more to learn. Ken bought me a Canon 560, really nice camera. I could have used his extra Canon, but it is to big and heavy to lug around. I usually carry binoculars, sketch pad, pens and help carry some of Ken's lens so I justed wanted something small. He does all the major photo stuff anyway, I just want to capture snapshots. It took me along time to come around to digital, but after wasting film on bad shots with my other point and shoot, this way I can delete all those bad shots. I can also share my snaphots with all of you, when I learn to do that.
It was sure cold today for mid-September, I believe it was 42 at 7:00 am when I went to work. Good to be back in the jeans though, they hide my ugly legs.
I have only 4 more days to work.
I don't know how to feel about it, I'll miss the people I've meet, but the excitement of the new adventure overrides it. There is alot of anxiety going on in me, hard to sleep some nights thinking about all that has to be done. How will the cats react!! We bought some destress spray, see if that does anything. I may need some too.
"The challenge is in the moment, the time is always now." James Baldwin
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