Today we took the cats in to visit their new home on wheels. Boo didn't seem to mind it at all, the other three were very unsure, the 2 females found hiding places. We let them roam about for about an hour. Will try it again in a couple of days. Ken sanitized the fresh water system and I wiped down some cabinets and started wiping out the freezer when I found the ice maker had not been turned off and mold everywhere, yuk!
So Ken tryed to clean the ice maker, but Ken thinks it will have to be replaced. We are finding a few loose parts and a couple of missing parts, just little things. Ken has finally learned to dodge the side mirror on the passenger side after hitting his head a couple of time so hard he has a couple of bumps.
We received, I should say Ken received a retirement gift from my brother and sister-in-law, a box of marshmellows and fudge stripped cookies the ingredients for smores. MMMM but the cookies may not last until our first campfire, Ken and I have already sampled one package.
Friday I found this monarch caterpillar crawling along our front steps so we bought it in and put it in our nursery jar. We thought it was roaming looking for a place to attach it self, but it munched through a couple of milkweed leaves. It looks like it may attach it self somewhere in the jar tomorrow they usually attach themselves to the rim or the screen we have covering it. Maybe we'll follow this one south!
Last fall we had 24 monarch caterpillars in our nursery and 25 swallowtails which over wintered in our nursery and we released them after they emerged in the spring.

Interior shoots next time.
If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. Unknown
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