Well we finally spent our first night in the motorhome and with the cats. They don't hide anymore, but they were restless most of the night trying to look out a window, so needless to say we didn't get much rest.
We just got back from Madison, SD. On the way up we stopped in LeMars, IA to do a little geneology and while we were in the cemetery looking for the gravesites we saw these clusters of monarchs in the spruce. It is the first time we have seen monarch clusters and we were very excited. Ken was alittle upset that he didn't bring his long len, so this is all he could get. Lessen learned, always travel prepared for everything.
On the way back we stopped in Sioux Falls and visited the Sertoma Butterfly House, which is open all year. They display tropical butterflies and I believe I heard over 80 kinds but it seemed alot more. Ken is in heaven at these places. It is really something to walk in and see all the beautiful butterflies fluttering around. The butterfly above is the NewQuineaBirdWing, just one example of the beautiful colors the butterflies may be.
Enjoy the little things in life.
Here's a photo of Ken's retirement cake at Ford, Aug. 31st. Looks happy to be out doesn't he.
Linda Ronstadt was really good. She can still belt out the songs at 61. She sang alot of her standards. I have always enjoyed her work, I have several of her recordings. Ken isn't a big fan, so it was really nice of him to treat me to her concert.
We had a little rain last night, we needed it. You may be wondering why it's only day 3 when Ken actually retired the 31st of August. I didn't count the holiday. I worked most of the holiday, we did go to the Irish Fest at Crown Center Sunday, it was OK.
We are going to move forward here in our getting things done for travel. We are going to SD to finish our licensing. Ken feels he should have all the licenses before bringing home the RV.
I've put together a 3 ring binder of recipes that sound good and we may enjoy. So I will take that and the book for the convection/microwave for cooking. Ken says we'll cook more but so far we've only ate dinner home once.
Tonight we are going to see Linda Ronstadt at Starlight.