This week I saw my first baby Osprey, there are two in this nest .
Looks like mom doesn't it.
I've been watching the nests in the area and there are a lot of osprey nests.
The state puts up poles for nesting but these birds thought this tower was better.
The platform below is located next to a Walgreen we visit a lot so I have fun
watching the family add to the nest and I believe I saw a baby's head
the last time we were there. Hopefully I'll get photos of them soon.
There is also a nest on a light near the McDonald's we visit but
I haven't noticed any little heads there yet.
There was a nest made on a light in the Walmart parking lot but
the ospreys abandoned it, I blame all the grackles and gulls for that.

We saw our first house finch in Florida last week, we looked in the bird book and I guess they are not a common bird here like they are back home.
These Palm Warblers are very common, we have a couple pairs that visit our grapefruit tree.
We see them everywhere. Another common bird back home the house sparrow isn't very abundant here either, we do see them but not at our feeder.
Our feeder birds are mourning doves, blue jays, common grackles, red bellied woodpeckers and cardinals.
There are several eagle nests in the area too, this one is right next to a busy traffic corner and a very busy shop. It has a couple of babies. We need to go back to see them as they should be close to fledging.
We visit the N. Ft. Myers eagles several times a week, it won't be long and they will be flying.
I'll do a post of their growth in a couple of weeks.
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