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Saturday, April 21, 2012

A warm week

They have changed the format of blog spot so I am trying to learn how it works. So we'll see how I do.
This week has turned very warm so we have been getting up earlier to go birding.  Here are some of my better photos of the week.

 Since I am not getting very good bird photos, I have some butterflies, flowers
 Hummingbird moth
 oh, here's a nice bird.  It's the Elegant Trogan.
We saw a pair again this week up at  Huachuca Canyon which is in Fort Huachuca the army base in Sierra Vista.
They are nice to let us birders go in with just showing our ID.
We took a drive up Carr Canyon, here's a view from the road.  There is a primitive campground at the top in the pines. Much of the canyon was hit with the Monument fire last year. It's pretty but it should almost be listed as a four wheel drive road.
Our little car has been pretending it's a four wheel high clearance vehicle our entire stay here as most of the roads we go on are rocky and nasty.
Well, let's see how this turns out.
I previewed it and I still have to figure out a few things.
  Why couldn't they leave things the way they were!!!
Till next time, have a good week.

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