No we are not in London, we are still in the RGV enjoying some very warm weather.
I am still trying to figure out what to do about my email, I can not get to my email account and I was surprised I could still get to my blog and facebook but I guess have nothing to do with hotmail.
The same day my email was hacked, I misplaced my RV keys I did find them but the day felt like someone was playing April fools on me but it wasn't April yet.
We are still helping with the Hawk Watch at Santa Ana, Thursday we meet at one the the watchers home and had a BBQ after our watch. It was fun, it happened to be the day everything happened to me so it was a long day.
Today we helped with the trash cleanup at Ramsey Nature Park, we personally picked up two bags of trash walking the trails. The Harlingen Audubon had a good turn out for the clean up and with the new trash barrels maybe it will stay a little cleaner.
After lunch we went to SPI to see what was happening there, the warblers are starting to migrate though. They migrate at night on the south winds and when the wind changes to the north they fall out and rest. Today we saw several Northern Parulas, a Hooded Warbler, an Orchard Oriole, a Louisiana Waterthrush and a Yellow bellied Sapsucker.
The Tri color Herons are all decked out in the breeding plumage. We also saw several species of terns which we are still trying to ID.
At the Hawk Watch we also keep a record of the other birds we see, usually we have a list of 45 or more species on the list.

The hawks are now migrating in larger numbers, we are looking forward in seeing our first good look at a Mississippi Kite which are now starting their migration.
Til next week, have a good one.
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