It's been a warm and windy week here at Hummingbird Cove and at the Hawk Watch.
We still haven't seen many hawks or vultures, so to pass the time we've been studying up on a few new birds from this field guide.
I think I may come up with a few birds of my own to make my own unusual bird field guide.
It looks fun!!!
It is onion harvest time, in fact Sat. is Onion Fest time in Wesleco it sounds like a good time with music, food, carnival and arts and crafts, but we aren't going.
I couldn't believe all the labor involved in harvesting the onions, there must have been 50 people in the field. It sure smelled good too.
Thursday evening was Santa Ana's volunteer appreciation pot luck, we were invited to join the hawk watch group again this year. There are five us that are regular watchers and Dave Seal the fellow on the right is our leader. Santa Ana's volunteers worked hard this winter after the flood receded enough for them to clean up and rebuild paths. Some of the park is still flooded, where there used to be 3 ponds there is one lake.

Tuesday morning I decided to take Santa Ana's bird walk, we saw 2 Northern Beardless Tyrannulets, a little flycatcher that many birders come to the valley to find, so I felt lucky to see them. Later, I took Ken to the spot where we saw them and they weren't there, he'd sure like to get a photo of them, I couldn't they are too small and too flighty.
We see Scissortail Flycatchers everyday, so they are migrating back to Oklahoma.
Also on the bird walk we saw a Lousiana Waterthrush so they are migrating back to the states.
We took today off and visited Ramsey Nature Park and feed the birds.
The Prickly Pears are really starting to bloom.
We also spotted several lizards and a couple of water snakes.
There was a group of mothers with their small children enjoying a walk and they spotted the bobcat, it was just up the path from where we were sitting watching the birds, darn missed it again.
We haven't seen it for a long time. We hear it is the culprit that tears down the hummingbird feeder for the sweet water. The feeder was laying on the ground again today in pieces.
Til next time, have a great week.

Also on the bird walk we saw a Lousiana Waterthrush so they are migrating back to the states.
We took today off and visited Ramsey Nature Park and feed the birds.
The Prickly Pears are really starting to bloom.
We also spotted several lizards and a couple of water snakes.
There was a group of mothers with their small children enjoying a walk and they spotted the bobcat, it was just up the path from where we were sitting watching the birds, darn missed it again.
We haven't seen it for a long time. We hear it is the culprit that tears down the hummingbird feeder for the sweet water. The feeder was laying on the ground again today in pieces.
Til next time, have a great week.
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