Dear friends and family.

hat a sad week!!! The quake in Japan and the flooding in the NE, nature has been very harsh this year. It doesn't seem to end.
My week here started out with a computer virus which Ken took care of in only a day of working on it. I only lost my photoshop program, so we downloaded the editing program that came with my new Canon. It works OK, I'm learning how it works.
Friday evening Boo got sick stopped eating and threw up even after drinking water. So, we decided he had suffered enough and put him to sleep Saturday. We had been giving him two insulin shots a day for diabetes, he was very good about taking the shots. We estimate that he was 12 years, we had found him at the golf course when he was just a young cat.
At the Mardi Gras party Saturday evening, we learned our neighbors had to put down their sweet little old dog Saturday morning at the same vet we took Boo.

The owls have been around again, right next to us on the power poles. I tried to get a photo one morning but still too dark to get a good one. We had our best birding right around the park this week, we saw our first Grooved billed
Ani for this season right at our dock and a White tailed Kite was sitting on the power line next to the club house.
We planned on going to the Brownsville Air Fiesta today, and when we read our Sunday paper this morning we saw the headline of the plane crash. Saturday afternoon the headliner
aerobatic duo were badly burned in the crash.
We had purchased our tickets Friday so we went today with a sadness in our hearts. It was very windy so the smaller planes didn't fly, but it was a good show.
There was a good crowd and we enjoyed walking thru the larger military planes on display.
(Ops, mispelled fiesta)

Hope you all a good week.
A Mexican saying for this week:
"Vanse los amores y quedan los dolores"
translation: When love is gone sorrow remains.