We had an exciting week, as we spotted this bobcat twice in Ramsey Nature park.
Then we spotted this armadillo in Ramsey park.
Yes, we do spend alot of time at Ramsey, we visit there almost everyday.
Weds. we joined the bird walk at Estero in Weslaco.
Sat. we went on the Audubon field trip to Brownsville and learned about the Camp LuLu Sams Camp and it's owner Dr. Patrick Burchfield.

The Dr. is the director of the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, his wife works with the Ronald McDonald house. They live in the dining lodge of the camp now, they host special groups and kid camps teaching them to learn to look at nature through color and texture. That sounds like a really fun way to learn. The Dr. has rescued native plants from construction areas and replanted them on his property transforming it from the manicured camp to a natural preserve. If you google Camp LuLu Sams you will find it has some ghost stories which they say aren't true.
Today we drove down near Port Isabel to find the wood storks, and we did find them around 50 of them but the lighting was not good for pictures although I tried.
We finished up the week joining friends at a fish fry, we stopped at Walmart and picked up a cheesecake for the dessert.
It was another great week in the Rio Grande Valley.
The Mexican saying for this week:
"A lo que no importa, lengua corta"
Translation: To what is not your business, keep a short tongue.
your skill at photography makes even an armadillo look pretty!
We saw a bobcat on the way to the Island yesterday--it ran right across the road as we were driving near Bayview. I've never gotten one in a photo.
Thank you for your kind comments, was so nice to finally meet you.
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