We've been out birding and have seen 6 new Hummingbirds, a Hermit Warbler and Spotted Owls.
Others we've seen are the Broad billed, Broad tailed, Anna's, Lucifer's, Calliope, and Black chinned which we've seen in Texas.
I haven't gotten very good photos of many of them hopefully I'll have some more chances in the next couple of days.

What really made the day was being locked in the area, the B & B is fenced off from the trail, one of the guests had locked it but lucky someone heard our whistle and went for the owner to unlock the gate.
Here's my photo of the Spotted Owls, there was also a Broad tailed Hummingbird's nest near by, the hummingbird was on the nest when I looked, Ken got a photo of it. They were concerned with it because of the snow and cold we had Friday, a naturalist is watching it to see if it hatches any babies she was there while we were up there today. She was telling us all when she was up there Friday watching it and some snow fell in the nest and the little mother worked to get it all out of the nest.

The next few days the temps will be in the 80's so spring is back for a couple of days til the next cold front comes thru on Weds.
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