An Audubon friend we ran into yesterday told us what a great morning she had shelling, because it was a full moon which makes the tides lower or higher.
So, we decided to give it a try this morning, she told us to get there at dawn, we didn't make it that early it was closer to 7:30 am.
We shell at SPI's Isle Blanca County Park.
This is a memorial for the fishermen who lost their lives in the Gulf. You can see a little of the RV park, looks really nice we believe the rent is around $350 a month. I think it would be fun to stay there sometime.
Ken really got into looking for shells, he was wet up to his knees, I stayed closer to the dry area of the beach. (We wore old tennis shoes.)
They were working today, we now know what they are doing. They are dredging the channel and are going to move 300,000 cubic yards of sand up the beach to one of the new hotels. They have to have it done by March 12, Spring Break time. Can't have the kids having accidents on the pipe.
There was only one washed up jelly fish today, last time we walked the beach there were several.
We finally found the Ruddy Turnstones, there were about 8 of them working the jetty. (A new bird for us.)
Here's my collection of shells we brought home, Ken picked up two starfish and a couple of fancy shells plus others. Now, we have to learn the name of the shells.

We had a good time, and will probably do it again even though we could buy shells pretty cheap at the stores on the island, it's the hunt that makes it fun.
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