We are feeling better, the weather is better so we are getting out again and doing some birding.
Before the weather got sunny we did get out Thursday to see the movie Cloudy with Meatballs, also attended the Audubon meeting it was about hummingbirds of Texas, there are 17 variety that visit the valley, we've seen only 3 the Buff Bellied, Ruby-throat and Black-chinned.
Saturday, we got up early to join the Audubon group on their monthly outing, we car pooled to Zapata, Falcon Lake State Park and a spot on the Rio Grande River which also had a couple living in a bird sanctuary that had a big feeding station set up where we could just sit and watch the birds. There were 3 variety of Orioles, Altramira, Hooded and the Audubon and 4 species of doves, White-tipped, White winged, Inca and ground and the usual feeders Green Jays, Kiskadees, Black-capped titmouse, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Orange crowned Warbler, Common Yellow throat and Red-wing blackbirds.
There were 18 in our group, veteran birders, new birders and a couple along for the ride.
We saw 60 plus species of birds on the trip, 32 of which were at the feeding station.

This is Pyrrhuloxia easily confused with a female Northern Cardinal.

This is a Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, we were to look for the Black tail Gnatcatcher it was spotted but I didn't see it.
We spotted 3 new birds to add to our list, an Audubon Oriole, Audubon Yellow-rump warbler and a Short-tail Hawk.
These two Curved-billed Thrashers are regular visitors to our feeder.
These Altramire Orioles will visit our feeder occasionally.

A Buff-bellied Hummingbird at our feeder. We were hoping to see several more at the feeder since most of their nectar flowers have been killed from last weeks freeze.

We saw 60 plus species of birds on the trip, 32 of which were at the feeding station.

This is Pyrrhuloxia easily confused with a female Northern Cardinal.

This is a Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, we were to look for the Black tail Gnatcatcher it was spotted but I didn't see it.
We spotted 3 new birds to add to our list, an Audubon Oriole, Audubon Yellow-rump warbler and a Short-tail Hawk.

A Buff-bellied Hummingbird at our feeder. We were hoping to see several more at the feeder since most of their nectar flowers have been killed from last weeks freeze.
Have a birthday party to go to this afternoon , a big bash with a band, BBQ meats and whatever the rest of us bring. I have to finish my card and wrap my gift better get on it.
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