Here's a little sunny photo for you all who are having some cold weather.
We been out doing alittle Christmas shopping.

The sun came out this afternoon and the
temp got to the 80's so on comes the air after having the heat on for 3 days.
We have been joining in on some of the games
in the evenings, Monday is Mexican Train a domino game,
Tues is Bingo, Weds. is Pegs and Jokers we may stop there, altho
Thurs is Pokino and Friday is happy hour with games after.
So far not many of the residents here join in on the games (I so want to write
reindeer in there) so we thought we be some bodies for awhile.
It is nice to meet some new people, but the same people show up for the games.
I've been the big loser at these games, but then I'm just learning to play them.
Stay safe and warm those of you up north.
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