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Saturday, August 15, 2009

BBQ contest and fly in weekend

This weekend our little town is hosting a fly in at the airport and a BBQ contest down on our main street. Last night the ReMax balloon was back giving rides and
an Apache helicopter was on display as well as
entertainment on the street and refreshment vendors.Here is a pic of our Mayor taking ride in the balloon, it's tendered so you don't
go up to far. We did it when the balloon was giving rides
during Waterfest.
Ken went to the airport to check out the fly in, not many there as
rain was predicted for today.
(So far only a sprinkle.)
Maybe tomorrow will have a better showing.

This Goldfinch was helping itself to our coneflower seed heads.
Nice to be able to look out our back door and watch the birds and
every now and then get a photo.
Yesterday, we saw the movie Julie and Julia, it was very good.
I cried and laughed at the same time!
Today, I sewed up a knit outfit, pants and vest.
The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.
Richard Cecil

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