A mystery has been solved, Ken has been finding his nut feeder on the ground every morning, emptied of course and last night we saw the hungry raccoon enjoying the nuts.
Ken put out a watermelon rind this afternoon to see if the raccoon would enjoy it and we looked out and this little bunny was enjoying a refreshing treat. (Butterflies like watermelon too)

He has found several books like this bird book, it looks very informative and tree identification books, a genealogy book on his family and several old old books, but nothing that would bring us dollars on the Antique Road Show.
I thought these bookplates were neat, maybe I'll get creative with them.

He's a collector of cartoons, like I am and he has been finding them among the old magazines, I should scan a couple just for fun sometime.
You will always find something in the last place you look.

He's a collector of cartoons, like I am and he has been finding them among the old magazines, I should scan a couple just for fun sometime.
You will always find something in the last place you look.
1 comment:
I thought I was the only one who had book plates. I still have the ones I bought in high school, if I could find them.
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