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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Waterfest 09

It's Waterfest time again in Ex. Springs and we went to the parade today, Maria Antonia was the Grand Marshal. Maria is a local news anchor that lives in the Excelsior area.The Marching Cobras were here again.
It was a bit hot but the dogs were out.
(click to enlarge photo to read this guy's T)

We went down yesterday to see the vendors, where I bought a couple of old postcards to add to my collection.
Went back last night to listen to the band, the Re Max hot air balloon was there giving tethered rides so we thought why not (it's not the real ride we want but it may be the closest we get).

We had a new visitor to our jelly feeder, a Northern Pearly Eye Satyr.

This guy was by our door today, maybe looking to get into a cooler spot, Ken did take it to our flower garden hoping it will enjoy a few bugs there.

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