Oops!!! Ken didn't set his alarm and so we didn't get up in time to join the Backyard Birders this morning, oh does he feel bad!!
This is a May Apple Flower found blooming near a trail at Smithville Lake.
But, we decided to try it on our own today to see how many birds we could see. We went to the Heron rookery first, there are babies in some of the nests and there were several other birds along the country road, I believe I saw my first white crowned sparrow.

Then we visited Martha LaFite saw our first Blue bird of the season and White throated Sparrows and Indigo Buntings. We also joined the Sanctuary.
Then lunch and on to Smithville Lake where there are trails all around the lake now, but we always stop at the one off W there we saw Great Crested Flycatchers and several Summer Tanagers (the first photo is one of Ken's of the Tanager).
On the drive home we saw our first Kestrel of the season. In total, we saw 43 different birds that we could identify, so a good day but we were sorry to miss the Backyard's bird outing.
Our lilacs are finally blooming, now to see a couple of butterflies on them but it has to be warmer for them to visit.

This afternoon we had another visitor to the jelly feeder, a Catbird, now the fun begins as to who gets to the jelly first.

1 comment:
Mother has had Baltimore orioles and hummingbirds. She also has 2 sets of wrens in her houses.
See you tues. at Red Hats in Liberty.
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