Ken put out a bird feeder next to the dining area window, here's our first bird this morning.

After going to McDonald's for breakfast, we went to Hugh Ramsey Nature Park and Ken set up his camera to try and capture a few photos. He was very succussful and we can add at least 4 more birds to our life list.

These are taken with my point and shoot, it's about as good as I get. This is the Kiskadee.

Here is a Golden-Fronted Woodpecker, there were two new doves for us, Buff-bullied Hummingbird and a Long billed Thrasher, sorry my photos weren't very good maybe next time.

It was a warm day today about 85 but another cool front is coming thru and it is to be only 53 tomorrow and maybe a shower.
1 comment:
Good grief! Ken's camera equipment is a load in itself. It certainly should take good pictures. He looks like he is on safari. I liked your point and shoot pictures of the birds.
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