It is forecast to get to freezing tonight, and so we will not hook up the water or sewer tonight. The RV park in right next to the train tracks so it ought to be good sleeping tonight.
We don't have to unhook the car here!
We took a walk downtown Williams and through the depot. Williams is on Route 66 so there are
several fun shops that we didn't go thru. We found a nice restaurant downtown, had a sandwich and bro
ught back 2 pieces of pie. We bought a couple of souvenirs at the depot. We saw the steam engine go by as we were eating, they are getting it ready for the summer season beginning May 30th. We will be pulled by a diesel engine tomorrow and we up graded to 1st class. Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow, good thing we have some winter clothes!! The train leaves at 10 am and arrives back at 6 pm. More tomorrow!!

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