
Welcome to my photo journal.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Up early

We got up early today to join a small group meeting at Martha Lafite Thompson Nature Sanctuary in Liberty to go birding lead by Mark from Backyard Bird Center. We saw several new birds to us, with his help, white throated sparrow, redpoll, great crested flycatcher and a Northern Parula. We also spotted an Indigo bunting, bluebirds, green heron, Carolina Wren and a Sandpiper. It started out cold but it was a nice morning. ( We did have frost this morning but not a hard one.)
After our birding, we stopped at the hospital to visit our friend Bob who had hip surgery, he was getting ready to go home. We helped get him home and visited awhile at his house.

I wanted to check out the art show at the Hall of Waters here in town. It is the Gatsby Days this week. The art was good, too bad the shoppers were few. We need to support our little community better. I bought a card with a print of Venice carnival masks.

I also wanted to check out the Art on the Hill just outside of Kearney. They had lots of shoppers. That art I really enjoyed too, it was more of the collage and recycle art, lots of jewelry and fun stuff. Ken bought a majong tile just for fun.
I was hoping to see the movie East of Eden on PBS tonight but it doesn't seem to be on so we are watching Harry Potter Goblet of Fire. It may just be getting a late start, we will tape it for later if they show it. I really enjoyed reading the book a couple of years ago and I have always like James Dean.

Friday, April 25, 2008


It was nice enough this morning at 8 to let the cats enjoy the fresh air, almost 70. Then by 12 it was down to 50, door was closed. The forecast is, we may have alittle frost tomorrow and maybe some snow flakes this weekend. I do hope they are wrong, the lilacs are just beginning to bloom as well as
our dogwood, the redbuds

my bleeding heart,

and our jack in the pulpit (it's the first time it's come up).

Life isn't about how to survive the storm,
but how to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Working on the blog here, it is hard work! I learned something new today about the digital camera, it's image numbering system will start over at some point in time so I must watch as to which folders I put my pics, I could delete the ones already there that may have the same number. Thanks, Cheryl, for pointing this out the hard way (she deleted some of her photos this way.) We had breakfast together yesterday and had a nice visit.
We went to East Valley Park again today to see if there were any new flowers up. We met this lady there, Linda Williams, she is a nature photographer from Liberty. She was there with a Conservation Agent watching the flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers who are migrating through the area. To see some of her photos go to www.lindawilliamsphotography.com she also has a blog you can visit from her site. She is also raises butterflies and moths, so she is a very special person. I saw our first tiger swallowtail today too flying in the park.
So we went back home so Ken could get his lens to photograph the birds. Here is my attempt with my little point and shoot. The count was 52 little warblers at one spot. We also saw a glimpse or two of the Broad-wing Hawk which is also migrating through, in fact when we got home it was flying around our neighborhood. We also drove up to Siloam Park and there we saw our first Eastern Kingbird. So we had a good birding day and in our local parks!
Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive...it's such an interesting world. Lucy Montgomery

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring in EX Spgs

What a nice day! We joined Bob and Shirley for breakfast at the Ex Spgs Golf Course. It was busy as expected for such a nice morning, saw a couple of people there to say hi to, we're back.
This afternoon we took a walk through East Valley Park and took some photos of the spring wild flowers there. They are small flowers so I have a hard time getting them in focus but here are a few of my attempts. The violets are from my back yard.
After our walk we got our first ice cream cones from the Dairy Bee, mmm!

May your life be like a wildflower
growing freely in the beauty
and joy of each day.
Indian Proverb

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring in Gladstone

I caught the little article in the KC Star
that the Gladstone City Council and Northland Art League (which I was once a member for several years) will be sponsoring an "Art Springs in Gladstone" Art Show Friday and Saturday at the new Gladstone Community Center. So we went today to check it out. Ken used to work with George Wilhoit who does wildlife in oils and Bess Duston is one of the original members of the Art League and we traded art work a few years back. They were the artists we knew the best, but the quality of work shown was very good. Several mediums were represented, jewelry, pottery, photography, fiber and the usual work on paper and canvas. I am very glad we went to check it out. It seemed to have a pretty good crowd browsing around. I miss being involved in the art community.
I put my photos in an album and see I should fill out a few missing spots where we stayed, mainly Meridian RV , I neglected to print any photos of it.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Out and about

I've been busy, the laundry is done, the RV is cleaned and I feel a little better. Today we went out to McDonalds and Ken's friends were there and then they decided we should all go to Stroud's for lunch. It was good to catch up. Bob is going to have hip surgery Wed. so we won't see him for awhile after that.
And no, we didn't feel the earthquake here, I guess they did in the south part of KC.
I worked on getting some pictures ready to take to Walmart this afternoon and evening, I selected 137 from Vegas to when we got home to be made into prints.

This may be the fire in Kansas that they are talking about on TV. We thought it was strange they would be doing a spring burn in that 40 mph winds Tues. They burn the prairie's grasses every spring in the Flint Hills, it has become a tourist attraction, it is an amazing sight.
I still have some things to retrieve from the RV and straighten up the shelves some. Our flower garden needs its spring cleanup too.
Hope this dreary weather clears up, it is looking better down the road, this wet cold air doesn't help my sinus.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We are home

We got home around 8 pm, we took our time as it was really windy and wore Ken out. We would stop at all the rest stops on 35 and take a hour break or so. We went up for taco Tues. at Taco Bell, back to the old routine! We are spending the night in the RV as we have no water in the house yet, we will take care of all that tomorrow. So I will have a busy couple of days cleaning the RV, the house and laundary. The lawn doesn't look to bad Ken was worried it would be knee high. I'm tired and achy again, so off to bed with a cup of hot tea for me.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Guthrie, OK

We are here at Cedar Valley RV Park just 6 miles west
of Guthrie, OK. I was just watching the news here and just 3 days ago Guthrie was flooded, we didn't see any evidence of one when we drove thru. Also, next week is Guthrie's Old Time Days which I guess draws several hundred visitors. I now know why Ken picked this RV park, it has an 18 hole par 3 which of course we played this afternoon. It was nice to get out and do some walking and we didn't play too bad either. It cost only $12 for the night and $5 ea. to play 18. While playing we saw our first scissor tail flycatcher, how cool was that. Here is my attempt at a photo. We went back after we finished playing, Ken took his bigger lens and got a nicer photo of one.
The red buds are blooming here, so pretty, I always enjoy the spring blossoms. Just heard we'll have wind tomorrow, gusts of 40 hope it is a tail wind.
The crud has hit me again, just feel like I have a fever and ach all over. I'll take something tonight maybe I'll feel better tomorrow it worked the last time I felt this way.
You know I haven't driven a car for over a month! I haven't cooked in 4 months ( guess that's not news I don't cook much at home).
Well, we are getting closer to home.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


We've made it to Amarillo, TX, we are at this RV park. Our passport America card gave us the night for $16 full hookups, cable etc. There was some wind today but not too bad for TX and NM.
Here's Boo all stretched out after the long ride, enjoying some sun and fresh air. He gets a little sick on the road but wasn't too bad this trip I kept the food up over night.

I thought this was cute, it's on an old truck in front of the RV office.

Well , it shouldn't be long and we should be home. I'll have loads of laundary to do as I haven't really done any since we left AZ. I see that the weather is looking better for home too, good!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sky City

We stayed an extra day here in Acoma, NM and it was a beautiful day very little wind. We did wake up to our water hose frozen again, Ken believed it wouldn't get that cold, so out came my hair dryer.

We visited the Sky City Pueblo here is a photo of the sign that greets everyone. (My only photo of Sky City.)

The tour cost $12 and the photo permit is $10 so Ken just bought one for himself and I enjoyed listening to our tour guide and shopped. They bring out the tables of pottery to sell to the tourists, and the fry bread and apple pies. We also had lunch at their cafe which was very reasonable and very good.
It is called Sky City because it sits up on a mesa. It is considered the oldest continuously inhabited community in North America.
The Mission was built on top of their kiva, and the locals were used as slaves to build it. The San Esteban del Rey Mission began in 1629 and was finished in 1640.

We then drove El Malpais Natl Mon. to see the La Ventana Natural Arch. It is a beautiful drive and the sandstone formations are unbelieveable.
So tomorrow we will head east again, just hope we have a day like today with light or no wind.
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. Native American Proverb

Friday, April 11, 2008

New Mexico

Yesterday we decided to visit the Grand Canyon again, so we stayed an extra nite in Williams.
It was still cold but the sky was blue. We spent the entire day there. There sure were alot of European tourists visiting too. I enjoy people watching and guessing where they are from.
We saw some wildlife this time, this condor (there were 5 flying around), some elk, a deer and the friendly Canyon squirrels. I was so cold and my sinus' were bothering me so that when we got home around 8 I just went to bed.

This morning we headed east and have made it to Acoma, NM. We are staying at the Sky City Casino's RV park. It doesn't look busy here but as I write this it is filling up. We went over to the casino to eat and put a dollar or two in the slots. It would be fun to stay a day or two, but only if the wind dies which it won't. I am so tired of the wind, but not as much as Ken since he has to fight it driving. I have always wanted to visit Sky City it is an Acoma Pueblo up on a mesa. Maybe on another trip!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Grand Canyon

The train to the Canyon started with a little western shoot out at 9:30, then boarding at 10. Our check in lady forgot to tell us our receipt was not a boarding pass, so we rushed to get our tickets. Our car was not full, but they pulled 15 cars up today. We were half way to the Canyon and one of the engines breaks down, so we wait for a replacement to come from Williams, 2 hours. We did have entertainment tho, western yodeler he was good. So they had to reschedule the return trip instead of 4 to 6 so we would have time for lunch and see the canyon.

It was cold but not windy, the sun peeked though the clouds and we had a few little snow showers.
The return trip was nice, it turned out to be a sunset trip back. We had entertainment again, some cheese and crackers, champagne and a western train robbery. We were very tired when we got back at 8.
Tomorrow we head east again.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Back to Williams AZ

We got our last photos of the kids yesterday, and said goodbye around 9 pm. We left Vegas this morning around 9:30 with no problems. Ken decided to go over the Hoover Dam to save time, the security check was easy, just opened the larger outer doors of the RV and a quick walk through and we were on our way. The scary part is the narrow road down thru the construction. We had a windy ride today, so Ken was glad to get to Williams at 2.

It is forecast to get to freezing tonight, and so we will not hook up the water or sewer tonight. The RV park in right next to the train tracks so it ought to be good sleeping tonight.

We don't have to unhook the car here!
We took a walk downtown Williams and through the depot. Williams is on Route 66 so there are several fun shops that we didn't go thru. We found a nice restaurant downtown, had a sandwich and brought back 2 pieces of pie. We bought a couple of souvenirs at the depot. We saw the steam engine go by as we were eating, they are getting it ready for the summer season beginning May 30th. We will be pulled by a diesel engine tomorrow and we up graded to 1st class. Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow, good thing we have some winter clothes!! The train leaves at 10 am and arrives back at 6 pm. More tomorrow!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Long Weekend

We are back from our trip to Sandy, UT which is just south of Salt Lake. It is a 400 mile drive from Vegas with a change of climate and an hour lost. Here is Ken's son Tyson, his wife Liz and grandkids Emma, Danny, Tori and Truman. I almost didn't get a photo of them together, this was taken as they were saying goodbye.
They live just minutes away from a ski area, Ken and I took a little drive up to see Cottonwood Canyon and I believe the ski area was Snowbowl. (I mean minutes we were gone 45 min. and we stopped to take several pics.)

On the way back, Sunday, we took a short side trip to the Kolob Canyons part of Zion NP.
We got back around 5 to check on the cats, they were fine and to change clothes to head back out to see Spamalot at the Wynn on the strip.

It took only 40 mins to get to the Wynn, most of that was heavy traffic on the strip. We had about 2 hours to look around, grab a bite and put a couple of dollars in the slots. We decided to have dessert at a little coffee shop, this was mine.

Then off to see John O'Hurley in Spamalot. We had balcony front row seats, very good! Ken bought me the souvenir Grail cup filled with frozen fruit and wine drink, mmm good.
We enjoyed the show!

After the show we walked around the Wynn, the Palazzo and the Venetian, Ken put a dollar in at each place, the Wynn had the better slots. This is inside the Wynn, sorry didn't get very good pic.

This is in the lobby of the Palazzo.

A pic of outside the Venetian.

A photo of the lights as we were driving home.
We had a full weekend and I am feeling better. I enjoyed getting to know the youngest grandkids, I had not seen them before. They call me grandma, it must be a little confusing as they have two grandma Julie's.
We have one more day here in Vegas, then we are on the road again. We are stopping in Williams, AZ for a couple of days, Ken has made reservations to ride the train to the Grand Canyon.
More then!