Ken's back is fine, it just hurt after he mowed. His laptop computer is hurting tho, it caught virus or a worm, good thing we have all these computers. I have one, he has a newer one and the laptop so he was able to look up some help to fix the laptop. It still isn't working properly tho, he's not using it anyway. He wants to having it working before we leave tho, it's our communication and banking system. He thought I should have a laptop of my own for my blog etc, so today we bought one, but he should use it if the security of his questionable. I didn't think I needed one, I just need an hour to read my mail and do my blog. It's just one more thing I have to learn to use, guess I'd have to learn to use his laptop anyway.
Let's hope we get to pick up the motorhome tomorrow, we didn't hear anything from them today.

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