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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Febuary in Arizona

We've enjoyed another beautiful month in Arizona, great temperatures, sunrises and sets and visits with family.
At the Renaissance Festival
We saw the Chihuly Exhibit at the Desert  Botanical Garden in Phoenix.

We took in the Lost Dutchmen Parade in Apache Junction.

On one of the few cloudy days we had, we took in the Basha's Western Art Gallery in Chandler.
We took in a couple soccer games that Ken's grandkids played in.
We did a little birding, we found this hummingbird nest and found that the
Avocets are getting their breeding colors.
And I don't feel any older than I did last month.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

January in AZ

January here in AZ has been warm and beautiful, while the rest of the country has been in the deep freeze.  We picked the right place to spend the winter this year.
Saguaro Lake
We did a little hiking and bird watching.
Brown Creeper found at Granite Reef
Fountain Hills

My brother and his wife came down from IA for a visit and we had a good time.

He took a plane ride.

We visited Tonto National Monument and took the Apache Trail Drive.

We took them on the tour of the Gilbert Temple.
The Temple was open for tours for 4 weeks then it will be dedicated in March when it will be  open only to good standing Mormons for weddings and other ceremonies.
Ken and I went to Gold Canyon to watch Yellow Bird do his award winning Hoop Dance.

There was a fire at the RV park behind us, we missed most of the excitement but did come home to smoke and blocked roads.

That was our January.
Jim at Roosevelt Dam