Today we're in Santa Rosa in a campground off Route 66 again. This campground has a BBQ restaurant in the back of the office, we probably won't try it this time as we had a late lunch. The campground was almost empty when we pulled in at 11:30am and now it is full, with most of us going to the Balloon Fest. It ought to be interesting getting into the campground tomorrow in
Albuquerque with all the
RV'ers arriving. And wouldn't you know it's calling for rain Sat.
nite thru Mon. morning, good thing we are planning on staying for the whole week.

We did
a little driving around, found the Blue Hole where divers come from all over to dive, it is 81 feet deep. It's just a couple blocks off Rt 66. There were several divers there today. We also drove a few miles south to
Puerto de Luna a little Spanish town that has a few ruins left of the court house and a pretty little church. Billy the Kid had some kind of relationship with the town, I think you can find a little something about him throughout the area.

This little moth was on the flowers in the campground, they were covered them and Painted ladies,
Sulfurs and bees. I also picked up a Queen Monarch butterfly off the road, but my photo was a bit blurry.
WiFi connection here is great, I may not have the luxury of posting very often at the Balloon Fest, we'll see.